
Sunday, May 9, 2010

I've missed the month of April completely! Here are a few highlights from our world.
Grandpa Randy and Dave put a sandbox in the backyard, and these boys have LoVeD it. They go out there every day that it is warm, and somedays when it is not. The neighborhood kids always enjoy it. I'll get a picture of all of them in it one of these days. It really looks like we're running a daycare!!!
It was little boys birthday on April 7th, and he turned 2! He got an airplane geotrax thingy and loved it for the first day.
This little boy sat patiently and waited his turn for the airplane thingy. Yeah right, this is after many tears and a timeout. Birthdays are so hard for the other siblings.
Brigham's looking a little cautious here. I wonder why. These boys fight. They fight more than I ever thought possible, but they'll get along someday. Right? Right?
This is to document that I was actually at Brigg's birthday. I did get dressed that day and even put on make-up!
Brigham told me he wanted, "a green monster cake." I have no idea where he got that idea from, but here is what my mind thought a green monster cake looked like.
He was pretty nervous through all the singing, but finally smiled at the end.
Who needs silverware anyway?
Here's the birthday boy opening his presents, although Jack and his little girlyfriend did most of the opening for him. They are so nice!
Look at the camera. Up here Brigham. Cheeze.
He got himself a baseball set, a truck, and his favorite was Jessie from Toy Story.
Can you tell that Jack was totally excited and even joyful to take this picture. Seriously kid, you're so handsome, just smile a little bit.
These are probably Jack's best and closest friends currently. They play just about every day and live across the street from us.
I introduce you to Princess Avery. She stole Brigham's heart from the very beginningwhen she was born only two weeks after him. And here he is trying to make his move.
He's workin' it baby!
My last picture for this past month is dear sweet Jack. He turned his hat that way and I just thought he looked cute!
The End (for now)!

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